These iphone pics are far from clear...sorry! Our other camera's battery died after 2 pictures...I'll post those once we figure out where its charger is. Grandma Thornock was there, and the other camera has pics of I'll post those asap.
Chanel is giving us a run for our money. We are trying (I repeat: trying) to get her off of the bottle...I mean...she's 2, for crying out loud!!! But she does not like drinking out of anything else...which makes our lives somewhat crazy for the time being. She screams and cries most of the time. We are wondering if any of you have any suggestions? Helps to get off bottles and try something new? Last night, Jesica gave Nelly a sippy with one of those straws in it...she did pretty good. I think that she's just used to the bottle as a night-night helper! So, nap and bed times are crazy. She'll just sob in her little crib, "no wan it!" (meaning: don't want this stupid sippy cup you gave's not the same). What do we do!??? Help us!??
Chanel was adorable on her birthday.
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