The birthday girl at Gardner Village

Briggs eating lunch at the Naborhood Bakery...yum!

Elves! ...oh, and the Barbie piggy-back rides...

Sweet kids. Excited to see everything!..p.s. that cute cabin in the background on the right is my favorite building there. It's so pioneer-ish. Love it.

4 Generations: Grandma T, Grandma Gloria, me and Nelly. Again, this was one of those days when I never had time to look in the mirror. Not lookin' so "with it." But nobody really cares, right? I had such a great time, when Grandma T helped me get the house straightened up before Nelly's party. She polished my tables and chairs while we talked. She is such an amazing example to me. She has gone through A LOT in her life, and is now faced with more challenges in her family. I asked her how she is holding up through it all...she told me that she has faith that the Lord has a plan and she is comforted by that. She said that she just takes what comes, and realizes that she should submit to His will. I stood by my sink, trying to fight my tears. She has so much wisdom and purity. I just love her so much!

BG w/ the B&B (Birthday girl with the balloons and blankie, you know?)

Maaaaaahhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeine! (mine)

What a cutie! I can't believe she's two already! Happy belated birthday, Nelly!
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