Yes, Chanel sometimes has her hair styled. I promise! It seems as though every time I actually style it, she will rip out the bows and elastics, and will most likely collect some sort of food item in her hair as the day goes on.
Briggs will be missing "Circus Day" on Friday, so today is his last day. Mrs. Fairbourn has been fabulous. He loves school!
Grandpa Pedro was walking down the road, so we stopped to let see him. Nelly hadn't seen him for several months, but remembered him right away!
Heber Valley Camp: Legacy Lake. We are sooooooooooooo lucky to be able to take our Young Women here this summer for Girls' Camp. Holy moly. It's gorgeous, clean, new, and we even have a stream that runs behind our cabins. I love these cute leaders that I will be going with. Maria, Dinae, Mandy, me, Valene
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Chanel's hair (styled?!), Briggs last day of school, & HVC
Posted by Heather at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mother's Day Fun
"Teent-ter-beohls", said really fast...(Tinkerbell) and Chanel: thinking happy little thoughts.
The best treat ever!!!! Uncle John came to stay with us! Chanel's face in this pic is priceless. She LOOOOOOVED him. Here they are, bouncing on horsey knees!Nelly's turn!
Mother's Day Program at B's school. He was a champ.
The kid next to him looks so funny in this picture. Briggs loves his class.
Mrs. Fairborne, Briggs's teacher, tells what his favorite thing about his mommy is: "my mommy plays games with me"...the answer that about 70% of his class gave...must have started somewhere, and the creative juices turned off.
Ready to sing a song for us!
At Mom's house: what a treat for her to have John there, along with 2 of her AMAZING daughters! ;)
I am so serious in this picture. Don't you love candids?
Posted by Heather at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Baby, boat, shingles??
Nelly in one of her beautiful outfits!
See my baby?
Daddy and Briggs on Ricky's waverunner
Briggs driving
Oh yeeeeeeeah!
Nelly and Mama.
Cutie Daddy...cheeser
Grandma has an owweee! Yes. Shingles. ER twice: no diagnosis. 4 days later, finally a diagnosis. She is in a lot of pain, but is doing okay. Get better mom! This pic was taken on the day we were up in Farmington, "taking care" of reality: she was helpful to me, babysitting as I mowed the lawn. She's amazing. At one point, mom had the leaf-blower out, blowing dirt around. I know...she's so stubborn!!! :) Wonder where I get it from?
Posted by Heather at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Renewed Motivation
Posted by Heather at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tree lifters and the fright of the carwash
When we moved, I hoped that Briggs would find a buddy. Guess what is so awesome? There are tons of kids his age. He is loving life! There is always someone to play with. At the park the other day, they all marched off to find ladybugs, then came upon a huge tree that had fallen. What do you do with a fallen tree? Lift it. Move it. Grunt.Matthew, Cameron, Briggs, Brig (yes! So fun for B to have a twinner-named buddy!), and Zack: the muscle-men.
Carwashes are a mixed blessing. They give me time to quickly clean the inside of the car, text, pay bills...etc., but Chanel can make things interesting. She gets really excited/scared/crazy whenever we go into a carwash. She's really afraid of it, but we turn it into a game. I'll pretend that I'm scared too, and this was her reaction to the game:
She is ALL PERSONALITY!!!!!!! Goodness! She makes us laugh all of the time, unless she's making us crazy! We love her!
I wanted to write down a couple of quick things about Briggs...
- My friend, Sheri, was the primary chorister for Briggs in our last ward. She reminded me of something funny that B said in primary once. When the kids were asked, "what is the daddy's job?" Briggs raised his hand and said, "to keep the mommy happy!"
- This morning, Briggs explained to me that our dog, Charlie, had a "dried-up piece of cow" in his mouth. It was one of those raw-hide pieces. Ewww. Hearing it described that way made me sort of vomit in my mouth.
Posted by Heather at 8:44 AM 1 comments