Here is a wide array of pictures (poor quality courtesy of my iPhone) of the last few weeks. I'll get that battery charger for our real camera soon! Enjoy!
Dino Museum with Grandma!!! Note B's leg.

Cutie pies!

The Fam!

Brigham's first swimming lesson last week. He loved it.

The kids before school. Jessica is Brigham's buddy.

This is Chanel, taking after her name's sake in fashion...

Brigham wrestling with L.E. out at the Haynie's home. Blurry, because they were going crazy!

More Dino Museum...

Sleeping in the car on Christmas Eve, in new PJs from Grandma and Grandpa

Brigham is zonked, too....and with his trust "Brown and Green" to comfort him, there's no turning back.

More of L.E. and Briggs.

More fashion....


Shaved Dad.

Christmas Eve...we had some visitors to our home. Mr. and Mrs. Claus!!! John and Sheri Sundwall from our ward. They are always so sweet to our kids!

Grandpa John-John, or Santa Claus with B.

Why no pictures of Chanel? Oh, because she was screaming in fear.

B and Joshua at Grandma's house.

Happy kid at the doctor's office.

He had just come from the dentist, where I noticed a scratch on his eyeball. He got drops and we went home...the whole time...he was happy. Chanel was happy too, because she had the full attention of the Neeleman kids at their house. She didn't want to come with me when I went to pick her up! Thanks, Christine!!

This is our most prized possession. It's a print on canvas of Mark Mabry's "Ascension". It is huge!!! We were honored to receive this print from Mark a few month's ago. Jonathan and I hoped to get it framed, but knew it would cost some bucks! I sneaked it to Robert's in early December to get framed for Jonathan. A few days later, J's parents were here at our house, and he wanted to show them this awesome print. He couldn't find it in our house, so asked me where it was. I said, "oh, I put it up, so the kids wouldn't bother it." He was like, "soooo, where is it?" I said, "It's put away." Then, he caught on. His mom just smiled. We laughed about it, and I told him that it was SUPPOSED to be a surprise. Oh well. It looks so great, we don't care that the surprise was ruined.
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