Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mother's Day Fun

"Teent-ter-beohls", said really fast...(Tinkerbell) and Chanel: thinking happy little thoughts.

The best treat ever!!!! Uncle John came to stay with us! Chanel's face in this pic is priceless. She LOOOOOOVED him. Here they are, bouncing on horsey knees!

Nelly's turn!

Mother's Day Program at B's school. He was a champ.

The kid next to him looks so funny in this picture. Briggs loves his class.

Mrs. Fairborne, Briggs's teacher, tells what his favorite thing about his mommy is: "my mommy plays games with me"...the answer that about 70% of his class gave...must have started somewhere, and the creative juices turned off.

Ready to sing a song for us!

At Mom's house: what a treat for her to have John there, along with 2 of her AMAZING daughters! ;)

I am so serious in this picture. Don't you love candids?