Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baby, boat, shingles??

Nelly in one of her beautiful outfits!
See my baby?
Daddy and Briggs on Ricky's waverunner
Briggs driving
Oh yeeeeeeeah!
Nelly and Mama.
Cutie Daddy...cheeser
Grandma has an owweee! Yes. Shingles. ER twice: no diagnosis. 4 days later, finally a diagnosis. She is in a lot of pain, but is doing okay. Get better mom! This pic was taken on the day we were up in Farmington, "taking care" of reality: she was helpful to me, babysitting as I mowed the lawn. She's amazing. At one point, mom had the leaf-blower out, blowing dirt around. I know...she's so stubborn!!! :) Wonder where I get it from?


Anonymous said...

Super cute glad you had a good time! Your not stubborn your amazing and your my neighbor Hooray!